Every one of us is on a journey and we all have a road of growth in front of us.


All of us need to take a NEXT STEP.

At times that road may throw us some curve balls and serve upsome experiences or ideas that seem completely unreal, but our belief as we go this journey together, is that you will truly see (and experience) that the reality of God and His promises are for you right now and the anchor for your future!

Introducing Growth Hub

Know = Grow = YES! Develop habits of discipline and commitment through our new Growth hub. There's content for everyone!



"I came so you can have real and eternal life, more and better life than you ever dreamed of." (John 10:10)

This is the promise of Jesus for you and for all those who choose to follow Him. Jesus wants the best for you and so do we, here at Vantage Point Church!

Our hope and prayer is for you to discover what the 'real and eternal' life looks like as you get to Know Jesus more.


God never intended for us to go through life alone. Throughout the Bible, we see the importance of being in community.  In fact, authentic life-change happens in the context of relationships. A Gospel transformed life allows us to conduct far more open, honest, close and loving relationships. We speak truly, forgive gracefully and move with compassion. We appreciate each other, make each other laugh and celebrate all generations. We hope this is what you experience when you come through our doors!


We all know that growth is not automatic, but it is a process that requires discipline and commitment. Growth happens when we develop the habits of a disciple. So, well done for choosing to continue to GROW!

We have short videos or in-depth courses available for you, depending on your interests and your time availability, but rest assured there is something for everybody… we can all take a NEXT STEP.